We conduct primary research using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

  • Treasury Board Secretariat (Canada) – Designed and executed a new system to measure and quantify (in terms of an allowance) the hardship experienced by foreign service officers on assignment in cities in developed and developing countries using focus groups, on-site testing and key informant feedback

  • Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada) – Designed, executed and disseminated a stratified sample survey to examine the issues facing foreign service officers and their families at all levels (including ambassadors) while on assignment in cities in developed and developing countries

  • Canadian Home Care Association – Designed, executed and disseminated a census of home care programs across Canada to establish benchmarks as to the nature of care being provided, and augmented the findings with an in-depth on-site visit to three large home care programs to explore the issues facing senior management, field managers, field workers and care recipients using both focus groups and key informant interviews


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