We undertake secondary
analyses of existing survey data to answer
research questions that inform social
HRSDC (Office for
Disability Issues) – Based on a
literature review provided by HRSDC,
analyzed data from Statistics Canada
surveys to explore
the dynamics of
disability and its impact on the ability
to obtain and retain employment
HRSDC (Office for
Disability Issues) – Based on a
literature review, analyzed data from
two Statistics Canada surveys to explore
impact of caregiving on the lives of
both the caregiver and the lives of the
care receivers
Community and Social
Services (Ontario) – Analyzed the
Ontario data from the 2005 Environics
survey of Attitudes Towards Canadians
with Disabilities
Linguistek (Quebec) –
Subcontracted by Linguistek to provide
analysis of tables provided by HRSDC
from the National Longitudinal Survey of
Children and Youth as input to “The
Well-Being of Canada’s Young Children”