We undertake secondary analyses of existing survey data to answer research questions that inform social policy.

  • HRSDC (Office for Disability Issues) – Based on a literature review provided by HRSDC, analyzed data from Statistics Canada surveys to explore the dynamics of disability and its impact on the ability to obtain and retain employment

  • HRSDC (Office for Disability Issues) – Based on a literature review, analyzed data from two Statistics Canada surveys to explore the impact of caregiving on the lives of both the caregiver and the lives of the care receivers

  • Community and Social Services (Ontario) – Analyzed the Ontario data from the 2005 Environics survey of Attitudes Towards Canadians with Disabilities

  • Linguistek (Quebec) – Subcontracted by Linguistek to provide analysis of tables provided by HRSDC from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth as input to “The Well-Being of Canada’s Young Children


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